28 April 2012

saturday sketching

chilling on the couch until my hintern hurts!

09 April 2012


Since I'm spending some time in a classroom again and listening to a person teaching me things, I also experience that this forces a very strong urge within me that I remember from being in school - I start to doodle the most random things without thinking the tiniest bit about what I'm actually doing there. It's an almost completely subconscious mechanism that apparently helps me to focus on the material I'm listening to. I think a lot of people know that phenomenon.

I photographed absolutely all of the scribbles I made so far, no matter how small, and wanted to assemble them in some kind of digital collage because I like the trashy randomness my brain produces without forcing it in some kind of direction and without judging the outcome at all. I haven't gotten far with that, maybe I'll figure something out at some point. But I still want to collect them here.
Oh, and there are also some pretty damn awesome pictures from the small freaked-out, danish stories in the book 'Skolegade'.

05 April 2012

nach-nachtrag: ruhr 2010

when i posted some pictures of our field trip to ruhrgebiet, i forgot about some that i liked and just found back. unfortunately i can't really remember where exactly - in which museum/place - i've been taking them.
anyway - here's another, very out-dated bunch.