28 October 2012

A little goodbye-card I made a while ago for one of my colleagues that left the compnay to go and study medicine. "Held og lykke" means something like "good luck" :)
By the way, isn't that skull-eraser the coolest? You can attach it to the end of a pencil.

09 October 2012

berlin again

For my birthday we visited Berlin for a weekend. I love that city.
Shortly after we spent another day/night on the way to a summer-vacation-roadtrip at Rob's place.
Here are some pictures from those days.
Magnificent Magnum

Menashe Kadishmans's installation "Schalechet" in the Jewish museum
Lots of plants. Lots. The other windows looked just the same. It must be pretty humid in that apartment (and dark).

C/O Berlin - bathroom self portrait


Danish rooster - doesn't really fit in this post, was just on the same roll of film, hehe.

Jeppe on Rob's balcony.
Pig on Rob's balcony.
Rob on his balcony.