07 August 2013

The Drawing Academy - Summer Course in Classical Drawing Pt. 1

In the beginning of July I went on a trip to the North of Jutland and took a week-long course in classical drawing, hosted by The Animation Workshop/The Drawing Academy, which is a school/university for mainly animators. It was a great decision to do that, I learned a TON, met a lot of inspiring and ambitious people and just had an awesome time in general... Every day there were 6 hours teaching/drawing (mostly life drawing/"Croquis" as the Danes say, with poses between 10 seconds to around 2 1/2 hours). When I first got there I was pretty bummed out about my own abilities, seeing how damn awesome everyone around me was at drawing :-), but I chose to use that feeling to get even more encouraged/eager and it worked! Ha! I think I made a lot of progress in those 7 days, not just in drawing, but also in my general attitude and in sorting out my life goals and "stuff"...
I definitely want to keep practising (a lot more than I do - which is basically nothing - argh!) and learn to draw better... It's only the first step on a looong way I took here - but I'm very glad I took it!!
Here are some of the long-time studies, I'll post some sketches and many photos I took another time.
The drawings are in chronological order. We did almost every day one, but the very first ones are just too shitty to share, hehe (anyway I'll keep them for myself to remind me where I started and how fast it can go if I just keep practising enough).
I THINK I can see a little progress along the way, thanks to the many helpful comments and people around.

Our models were called Asger and Emilie and were really sweet people and rad artists themselves...

P.s.: The paper's way too big for my scanner :-(

1 comment:

  1. Hey cool!
    Klingt nach einer coolen Woche!
    Sieht gut aus - vor Allem die 2. Reihe!
    Meine Freundin und ihre beste Freundin trampen heute nach Copenhagen - und ich dachte mir vielleicht können sie ja ein zwei Nächte bei dir unterkommen? Was meinst du?
    kannst mir ja entweder über den blog oder zentralheizungdestodes@gmail.com antworten!
    Cheers - Marian


I'd love to read your thoughts on this.