06 December 2011

new home

seriously. if you want to develop film here in denmark and want to do that in a kind of cheap way (means something like getting it done by a supermarket, not a professional photo store) it will be a very difficult task.
first of all, there are rarely any places offering that service anymore. i thought photographing analogue would be HIP and i would find myself in copenhagen, right?!
then, if you found one, you have to wait forever. normal, 35mm, colour print + scan cd - 10 to 14 days. and then it turns out that they're really sending the whole thing to germany to get it developed by the rossmann-guys or someone like that. haha!

it's time for me building up my own lab!
well, at least i'm goin to take care of the black and white ones myself. soon-ish, i hope.

old home